Title: Structured Complexity, 6/? Author: rache14 Characters/Pairing: Megan/Larry, some Charlie/Amita, Don, Alan Summary: Charlie ponders Larry's behavior. Larry reconnects with someone.
Title: Structured Complexity, 5/? Author: rache14 Characters/Pairing: Megan/Larry, some Charlie/Amita, Alan Summary: Charlie ponders Larry's behavior. Larry reconnects with someone.
Title: Structured Complexity, 4/? Author: rache14 Characters/Pairing: Megan/Larry, some Charlie/Amita, Eppes men Summary: Charlie ponders Larry's behavior. Larry reconnects with someone.
Title: Structured Complexity, 3/? Author: rache14 Characters/Pairing: Megan/Larry, some Charlie/Amita, team Summary: Charlie ponders Larry's behavior. Larry reconnects with someone.
Title: Structured Complexity, 2/? Author: rache14 Characters/Pairing: Megan/Larry, some Charlie/Amita Summary: Charlie ponders Larry's behavior. Larry reconnects with someone.
Title: Structured Complexity, 1/? Author: rache14 Characters/Pairing: Megan/Larry, some Charlie/Amita Summary: Charlie ponders Larry's behavior. Larry reconnects with someone.